Large and small Ganimede® fermenters: good wine in a big barrel!
The great results achieved by the Ganimede® Small series (from 35 to 600 hl) are largely confirmed also by the large series (from 600 to 2,000 hectoliters).
Unlike standard systems, with Ganimede® the size of the fermenter does not affect the quality of the final product, because the effectiveness of the turbulence is proportional to the size of the fermenter and the mass in production: larger fermenter, larger cavity, which means greater amount of fermentation CO2 etc. Therefore, it is possible to obtain amazing results with a 1,800-hectoliters Ganimede® instead of using three standard 600 hectoliters fermenters.
Metodo Ganimede® is capable of stirring in a homogeneous and effective fashion impressive masses of grape-marcs with a thickness up to 2.5 meters, exploiting 100% of the grapes.
This means that for the same quantity of raw material in production we can obtain a significant improvement in the quality of the wines produced using large Ganimede® fermenters compared to the ones produced with traditional large fermenters.